Rheology and optics of complex fluids (REO)
Responsible contact person: Tamás Börzsönyi (borzsonyi.tamas (at) wigner.mta.hu)
The Open Laboratory for Complex Fluids of the Wigner of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics is open for collaborations with other research institutions as well as with industrial partners in the following areas:
- Rheological studies of complex fluids in electric or magnetic fields or under UV illumination
- Dielectric spectroscopy of soft matter
- Determination of phase transitions and textures of liquid crystals
- Exploring flow instabilities in electric and magnetic fields
- Electro- and magneto-optical studies of liquid crystals and liquid crystal-nanoparticle composites
- Exploring the flow properties of granular-liquid mixtures and granular materials
The following short description provides the guidelines for using the laboratory equipment:
1. Collaborative research within the institute or with other research institutes
Collaborative research with other research organizations should result in a mutual benefit for both partners. There will be no fee for using the equipment, but it is expected, that the partner contributes to the additional equipment, or consumables which are necessary to perform the actual measurement. Results are expected to be published in collaboration with the participation of those members of the REO group who participated in the measurements
2. Measurements for external (industrial) partners
The REO laboratory is open to perform measurements for industrial partners. The daily fee for using the equipment ranges between 0,9-1,5 % of the price of the actual measuring device. (For longer usage the daily fee is less). Beyond the daily fee the partner is expected to cover the cost of the consumables and an overhead which should not be more than 30 % of the consumables. The actual amount of the overhead depends on the nature of the measurement and data analysis. Naturally, the results and data will be the property of the customer, and participation of the members of the REO laboratory in the publication of the results is not required, however publications should mention that measurements were carried out in this open laboratory.
The research infrastructure for studying the flow properties (rheology) and instabilities of complex fluids contains the following elements:
◦ High precision rheometer (Anton Paar MCR 502) with microscope, dielectric, magnetorheological and UV measuring systems

◦ Precision impedance analyzer (Novocontrol) for dielectric spectroscopy

◦ Polarizing and complex fluids interference microscopes (Leica, Zeiss) with temperature controlled sample environment for studying liquid crystals

◦ Electromagnets (0-1 Tesla), long range microscopes (Questar) for investigations in magnetic fields

◦ High speed digital cameras, high resolution cameras, particle image velocimetry

◦ Electrooptical measuring system

A For availability or more information regarding the measurement devices please contact the oparator:
(Tamás Börzsönyi, Tel: +36-1-3922222/3040, or borzsonyi.tamas (at) wigner.mta.hu)