Elektrolitic nanostructures laboratory

Responsible contact person: Dr. László PÉTER (peter.laszlo (at) wigner.mta.hu)

The Electrodeposited Nanostructures Laboratory (ENL) is operated in the framework of Advanced Materials Laboratory of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics. The ENL is open for joint research with other laboratories as well as for measurement and research service based on work contracts. The description below summarizes the principles of all such activities called external research. Although a thorough overview was meant to offer, it is highly suggested that initiatives should be based on a satisfactory discussion of all conditions.

1. Joint research with partners within the institute and/or with other research institutions

Co-operative joint research should be based on mutual benefits. No cost will be charged for the usage of the instruments. Hence, it is expected that the partners(s) take part in either the maintenance of the instruments or the implementation of the facilities (if necessary). Consumables have to be provided. The dissemination of the results has to be done in joint publications where all members of ENL taking part in the joint work are eligible to be a co-author.

2. External contracts and work-for-hire

The ENL is open to perform research and experimental works falling in its profile in the framework of a service contract. In the case of measurement service, the daily charge of the instrument operation is between 0.9 and 1.5 % of the procurement price of the particular instrument (the longer the undivided research period, the smaller the daily cost). Besides the instrument operation, the above specified charge covers the overhead and the inexpensive consumables. The total cost may vary, depending of what kind of data evaluation and literature search have to accompany the primary measurements (but this cost is limited to 30% of the instrument operation fee). In case of all paid contracts, the results make a property of the contractor, the members of ENL are not necessarily a co-author of the publications (if any); nevertheless, the ENL has to be named as the service provider in any public appearance of the results.

The list below presents the short description of the instruments that are available in the ENL:

Electrochamical instruments

Potentiostat: IviumStat
(4 V, 10 nA - 5 A, with frequency response analyzer; fully custom-based steps options including fixed and swept potential/current signals)

Potentiostat: Ivium CompactStat
(4 V, 100 nA - 30 mA; fully custom-based steps options including fixed and swept potential/current signals)
Potentiostat: Elektroflex EF453 (2 workstations)
(2 V, 100 nA - 2 A, potential or current control, linear potential sweep, various pulse modes)

Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance: SRS-200
(with a resolution of a few ng/cm2; it can be used with any of the Ivium potentiostats)
Power sources (also for electrochemical experiments, in either controlled voltage of controlled current mode)

Itech 6823 (4 workstations)
(72 V, 1,5 A; primarily for electrodeposition experiments with large substrates or electrochemical preparation of nanoporous aluminum oxide templates)

EL301R (2 workstation)
(30 V, 1 A; primarily for electrodeposition experiments with large substrates or electrochemical preparation of nanoporous aluminum oxide templates)

EA-PS 2042-10 B
(30 V, 1 A; primarily for electrodeposition experiments with large substrates or electrochemical preparation of nanoporous aluminum oxide templates)

Miscellaneous instruments

Zeiss Axio Imager materials science microscope
(magnification: 50x, 200x, 1000x with normal objective lenses, 500x magnification with a large-focus distance objective lens; also with digital camera and image processing)

Liquid termostats and a Julabo-type liquid recirculation cryostat kriosztát
(cryostatic operation down to -20 'C; other thermostats up to +80'C)

Non-destructive composition analysis

JEOL-840 scanning electron microscope
(composition and morphology analysis)

Magnetoresistance measurements

Home-built workstation
(temperature: 12-300 K; accuracy: 0.02 %)

For any additional information, please turn to the head of the laboratory.
(Dr. László PÉTER, +361-392-2222, ext. 3614. Campus location: Building 1, room 8. E-mail: peter.laszlo (a) wigner.mta.hu)