Gas Discharge Physics Laboratory
Responsible contact person: Kinga Kutasi (
The Gas Discharge Physics Laboratory operated by the Gas Discharge Physics research group is the experimental basis for the research on the elementary processes in gas discharge plasmas. Currently four experimental units equipped with modern vacuum technology and plasma diagnostics serve the researchers. We have the possibility to:
- Investigate the effect of individual atomic collisions by means of emission and absorption spectroscopy
- Determine the electric characteristics of discharges with custom electrode configurations in a wide frequency range of the feeding power input from d.c. to radio frequency.
- Conduct research on dusty plasmas, where microscopic solid grains are immersed into a gas discharge plasma, with video microscopy and particle tracking velocimetry.
- Investigate the mechanism and effect of plasma treatment of solid samples in wide pressure and temperature ranges.
Services provided by the research laboratory:
- Generation of low pressure gas discharge plasmas in a wide variety of gases and range of pressure and excitation frequency
- Emission spectroscopy of gas discharges
- Absorption spectroscopy of gas discharges
- Electric characteristic measurements of gas discharges
- Breakdown characteristics measurements of gas discharges
- Creation and video microscopy measurements of dusty plasmas
- Plasma treatment of conducting and dielectric samples with active and post-discharges
List of equipment available:

- Carl Zeiss PGS-2 monochromator (2 m)
- Acton VM-502 vacuum monochromator (0.2 m)
- Avantes AveSpec 3648 spectrograph
- line CCD and PMT detectors for the VIS-IR range
- EnergetIQ EQ-99X LDLS white light source

- Stanford PS325 dc power supply (2500 V, 25 W)
- Tokyo Hi-Power RF-150 power supply (13.56 MHz, 150 W)
- KJLC R601 power supply (13.56 MHz, 600 W)
- Agilent 3322A 20MHz function generator
- Keithley 6487 picoammeter / voltage source
- Picoscope 6403B oscilloscope (350 MHz)
- HP 54501A oscilloscope (100 MHz)
- HP 54602B oscilloscope (150 MHz)
- Iwatsu DS-8606 oscilloscope (60 MHz)

- Allied Vision Prosilica GX1050 CCD camera (1 MPixel, 112 fps)
- Jai Pulnix RM-1405GE CCD camera (1.4 MPixel, 30 fps)
- Raytrix R5 light-field camera (4.2 MRays, 180 fps)
Responsible contact person: Kinga Kutasi (