Journal articles (137, for citation statistics see: WOS profile):
  • Luo L-Y, Donkó Z, Masheyeva R, Vass M, Li H-P, Hartmann P, "The quenching effect of oxygen addition on an argon capacitively coupled plasma: experimental and computational study of the argon metastable atom kinetics", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 34 015009 (2025), IF: 3.3

  • Masheyeva R, Hartmann P, Luo L-Y, Dzhumagulova K, Liu Y-X, Schulze J, Donkó Z, "On the in-situ determination of the effective secondary electron emission coefficient in low pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges based on the electrical asymmetry effect", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 58 045208 (2025), IF: 3.1

  • Schleitzer J, Schneider, V, Korolov I, Hübner G, Hartmann P, Schulze J, "Langmuir Probe Measurements in a Dual-Frequency Capacitively Coupled RFDischarge", IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 52 1346-1357 (2024), IF: 1.3

  • Vass M, Schulenberg D, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Steuer D, Böke M, Schulz-von der Gathen V, Korolov I, Mussenbrock T, Schulze J, "Energy efficiency of reactive species generation in radio frequency atmospheric pressure plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in a He/O2 mixture", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33 11LT01 (2024), IF: 3.3

  • Donkó Z, Tsankov TV, Hartmann P, Arellano FJ, Czarnetzki U, Hamaguchi S, "Self-consistent calculation of the optical emission spectrum of an argon capacitively coupled plasma based on the coupling of particle simulation with a collisional-radiative model", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57 375209 (2024), IF: 3.1

  • Arellano FJ, Kusaba M, Wu S, Yoshida R, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Tsankov TV, Hamaguchi S, "Machine learning-based prediction of the electron energy distribution function and electron density of argon plasma from the optical emission spectra", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 42, 053001 (2024), IF: 2.4

  • Wang X-K, Masheyeva R, Liu Y-X, Song Y-H, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Schulze J, "Energy efficient F atom generation and control in CF4 capacitively coupled plasmas driven by tailored voltage waveforms", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33 085006 (2024), IF: 3.3

  • Wang X-K, Korolov I, Wilczek S, Masheyeva R, Liu Y-X, Song Y-H, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Schulze J, "Hysteresis in radio frequency capacitively coupled CF4 plasmas", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33 085001 (2024), IF: 3.3

  • Masheyeva R, Vass M, Wang X-K, Liu Y-X, Derzsi A, Hartmann P, Schulze J, Donkó Z, "Electron power absorption in CF4 capacitively coupled RF plasmas operated in the striation mode", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33 045019 (2024), IF: 3.3

  • Derzsi A, Vass M, Masheyeva R, Horváth B, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, "Frequency-dependent electron power absorption mode transitions in capacitively coupled argon-oxygen plasmas", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33 025005 (2024), IF: 3.3

  • Vass M, Schulenberg D, Donkó Z, Korolov I, Hartmann P, Schulze J, Mussenbrock T, "A new 2D fluid-MC hybrid approach for simulating nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasmas: density distribution of atomic oxygen in radio-frequency plasma jets in He/O2 mixtures", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33 015012 (2024), IF: 3.3

  • Arellano FJ, Gyula M, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Tsankov TV, Czarnetzki U, Hamaguchi S, "First-principles simulation of optical emission spectra for low-pressure argon plasmas and its experimental validation", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 125007 (2023), IF: 3.3

  • J. Beckers, J. Berndt, D. Block, M. Bonitz, P. J. Bruggeman, L. Couëdel, G. L. Delzanno, Y. Feng, R. Gopalakrishnan, F. Greiner, P. Hartmann, M. Horányi, H. Kersten, C. A. Knapek, U. Konopka, U. Kortshagen, E. G. Kostadinova, E. Kovačević, S. I. Krasheninnikov, I. Mann, D. Mariotti, L. S. Matthews, A. Melzer, M. Mikikian, V. Nosenko, M. Y. Pustylnik, S. Ratynskaia, R. M. Sankaran, V. Schneider, E. J. Thimsen, E. Thomas, H. M. Thomas, P. Tolias, M. van de Kerkhof, "Physics and applications of dusty plasmas: The Perspectives 2023", Phys. Plasmas 30, 120601 (2023), IF: 2.0

  • Wang X-K, Masheyeva R, Liu Y-X, Hartmann P, Schulze J, Donkó Z, "The electrical asymmetry effect in electronegative CF4 capacitive RF plasmas operated in the striation mode", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 085009 (2023), IF: 3.3

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Schulenberg D, Rohr S, Rauf S, Schulze J, "Metastable argon atom kinetics in a low-pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 065002 (2023), IF: 3.3

  • Wang Li, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Song Y-H, Schulze J, "Effects of a radial variation of surface coefficients on plasma uniformity in capacitive RF discharges", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 045002 (2023), IF: 3.3

  • Dujko S, Bošnjaković D, Vass M, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Pinhão N R, Loffhagen D, Donkó Z, "Scanning drift tube measurements and kinetic studies of electron transport in CO", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 025014 (2023), IF: 3.3

  • Hartmann P, Korolov I, Escandón-López J, van Gennip W, Buskes K, Schulze J, "Control of ion flux-energy distribution at dielectric wafer surfaces by low frequency tailored voltage waveforms in capacitively coupled plasmas", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56, 055202 (2023), IF: 3.1

  • Durian J, Hartmann P , Matejcík S, Gibson A R, Donkó Z, "Experimental and simulation study of a capacitively coupled radiofrequency plasma with a structured electrode", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 095001 (2022), IF: 3.8

  • Derzsi A, Hartmann P, Vass M, Horváth B, Gyulai M, Korolov I, Schulze J, Donkó Z, "Electron power absorption in capacitively coupled neon–oxygen plasmas: a comparison of experimental and computational results", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 085009 (2022), IF: 3.8

  • Wang Li, Vass M, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Derzsi A, Song Y-H, Schulze J, "Electropositive core in electronegative magnetized capacitive radio frequency plasmas", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 06LT01 (2022), IF: 3.8

  • Vass M, Palla P, Hartmann P, "Revisiting the numerical stability/accuracy conditions of explicit PIC/MCC simulations of low-temperature gas discharges", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 064001 (2022), IF: 3.8

  • Hartmann P, Korolov I, Escandón-López J, van Gennip W, Buskes K, Schulze J, "Control of ion flux-energy distributions by low frequency square-shaped tailored voltage waveforms in capacitively coupled plasmas", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 055017 (2022), IF: 3.8

  • Vass M, Wilczek S, Derzsi A, Horváth B, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, "Evolution of the bulk electric field in capacitively coupled argon plasmas at intermediate pressures", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 045017 (2022), IF: 3.8

  • Vermillion K, Sanford D L, Matthews L, Hartmann P, Rosenberg M, Kostadinova E, Carmona-Reyes J, Hyde T W, Lipaev A M, Usachev A D, Zobnin A V, Petrov O F, Thoma M H, Pustylnik M Y, Thomas H M, Ovchinin A, "Influence of temporal variations in plasma conditions on the electric potential near self-organized dust chains", Physics of Plasmas 29, 023701 (2022) IF: 2.357

  • Matthews L, Vermillion K, Hartmann P, Rosenberg M, Rostami S, Kostadinova E, Hyde T W, Pustylnik M Y, Lipaev A M, Usachev A D, Zobnin A V, Thoma M H, Petrov O F, Thomas H M, Novitskiy O, "Effect of ionization waves on dust chain formation in a DC discharge", Journal of Plasma Physics 87, 905870618 (2021) IF: 2.691

  • Wang Li, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Song Y-H, Schulze J, "Effects of structured electrodes on electron power absorption and plasma uniformity in capacitive RF discharges", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 39, 063004 (2021) IF: 3.234

  • Wang Li, Vass M, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Derzsi A, Song Y-H, Schulze J, "Magnetic attenuation of the self-excitation of the plasma series resonance in low-pressure capacitively coupled discharges", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 10LT01 (2021), IF: 4.124

  • Donkó Z, Derzsi A, Vass M, Horváth B, Wilczek S, Hartmann B, Hartmann P, "eduPIC: an introductory particle based code for radio-frequency plasma simulation", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 095017 (2021), IF: 4.124

  • Wang Li, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Song Y-H, Schulze J, "2D Particle-in-Cell simulations of geometrically asymmetric low pressure capacitive RF plasmas driven by tailored voltage waveforms", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 054001 (2021), IF: 4.124

  • Wang Li, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Song Y-H, Schulze J, "2D Particle-in-Cell simulations of charged particle dynamics in geometrically asymmetric low pressure capacitive RF plasmas", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 085011 (2021), IF: 4.124

  • Magyar P, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, "Anomalous behavior of plasma response functions at strong coupling", Phys. Rev. E 104, 015202 (2021), IF: 2.707

  • Hartmann P, Wang Li, Nösges K, Berger B, Wilczek S, Brinkmann R P, Mussenbrock T, Juhasz Z, Donkó Z, Derzsi A, Eunwoo Lee, Schulze J, "Control of electron velocity distributions at the wafer by tailored voltage waveforms in capacitively coupled plasmas to compensate surface charging in high-aspect ratio etch features", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 255202 (2021), IF: 3.409

  • Juhasz Z, Ďurian J, Derzsi A, Matejčík Š, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, "Efficient GPU implementation of the Particle-in-Cell/Monte-Carlo collisions method for 1D simulation of low-pressure capacitively coupled plasmas", Computer Physics Communications 263, 107913 (2021), IF: 4.390

  • Soni K, Moser L, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Antunes R, Juhasz Z, Steiner R, Marot L, Meyer E, "Experimental and numerical characterization of a radio-frequency plasma source with a DC-grounded electrode configuration using a quarter-wavelength filter", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63, 045005 (2021), IF: 2.458

  • Vass M, Egüz E, Chachereau A, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Hösl A, Bošnjaković D, Dujko S, Donkó Z, Franck Ch M, "Electron transport parameters in CO2: a comparison of two experimental systems and measured data", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 035202 (2021), IF: 3.409

  • Hartmann P, Rosenberg M, Juhasz Z, Matthews L S, Sanford D L, Vermillion K, Carmona-Reyes J, Hyde T W, "Ionization waves in the PK-4 direct current neon discharge", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 115014 (2020), IF: 3.584

  • Wang Li, Wen De-Qi, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Derzsi A, Wang Xi-F, Song Y-H, Wang Y-N, Schulze J, "Electron power absorption dynamics in magnetized capacitively coupled radio frequency oxygen discharges", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 105004 (2020), IF: 3.584

  • Pan H, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, "Strongly coupled Yukawa trilayer liquid: Structure and dynamics", Phys. Rev. E 102, 043206 (2020), IF: 2.529

  • Hartmann P, Wang Li, Nösges K, Berger B, Wilczek S, Brinkmann R P, Mussenbrock T, Juhasz Z, Donkó Z, Derzsi A, Eunwoo Lee, Schulze J, "Charged particle dynamics and distribution functions in low pressure dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas operated at low frequencies and high voltages", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 075014 (2020), IF: 3.584

  • Korolov I, Leimkühler M, Böke M, Donkó Z, Schulz-von der Gathen V, Bischoff L, Hübner G, Hartmann P, Gans T, Liu Y, Mussenbrock T and Schulze J, "Helium metastable species generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in mixtures of He and N2" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 185201 (2020), IF: 3.207

  • Horváth B, Derzsi A, Schulze J, Korolov I, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, "Experimental and kinetic simulation study of electron power absorption mode transitions in capacitive radiofrequency discharges in neon" Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 055002 (2020), IF: 3.584

  • Pinhao N R, Loffhagen D, Vass M, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Dujko S, Bošnjaković D, Donkó Z, "Electron swarm parameters in C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6: measurements and kinetic calculations" Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 045009 (2020), IF: 3.584

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Masheyeva R U, Dzhumagulova K N, "Molecular dynamics investigation of soliton propagation in a two‐dimensional Yukawa liquid", Contrib. Plasma Phys. e201900197 (2020), IF: 1.563

  • Silvestri L G, Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Rosenberg M, Golden K I, Kyrkos S, "Sound speed in Yukawa one-component plasmas across coupling regimes", Phys. Rev. E 100, 063206 (2019), IF: 2.296

  • Donkó I, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, "Molecular dynamics simulation of a two-dimensional dusty plasma", Am. J. Phys. 87, 986 (2019), IF: 0.874

  • Korolov I, Donkó Z, Hübner G, Bischoff L, Hartmann P, Gans T , Liu Y, Mussenbrock T, and Schulze J, "Control of electron dynamics, radical and metastable species generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets by Voltage Waveform Tailoring", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 094001 (2019). IF: 3.193

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Jeges V, Bošnjaković D, and Dujko S, "Experimental observation and simulation of the equilibration of electron swarms in a scanning drift tube", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 095007 (2019). IF: 3.193

  • Gibson A R, Donkó Z, Alelyani L, Bischoff L, Hübner G, Bredin J, Doyle S, Korolov I, Niemi K , Mussenbrock T, Hartmann P, Dedrick J P, Schulze J, Gans T, O’Connell D, "Disrupting the spatio-temporal symmetry of the electron dynamics in atmospheric pressure plasmas by voltage waveform tailoring", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 01LT01 (2019). IF: 3.193

  • Hartmann P, Reyes J C, Kostadinova E G, Matthews L S, Hyde T W, Masheyeva R U, Dzhumagulova K N, Ramazanov T S, Ott T, Kählert H, Bonitz M, Korolov I, Donkó Z, "Self-diffusion in two-dimensional quasimagnetized rotating dusty plasmas", Phys. Rev. E 99, 013203 (2019). IF: 2.296

  • Donkó Z, Derzsi A, Korolov I, Hartmann P, Brandt S, Schulze J, Berger B, Koepke M, Bruneau B, Johnson E, Lafleur T, Booth J-P, Gibson A R, O’Connell D, Gans T, "Experimental benchmark of kinetic simulations of capacitively coupled plasmas in molecular gases", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 014010 (2018). IF: 2.799

  • Bischoff L, Hübner G, Korolov I, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Gans T, Held J, Schulz-von der Gathen V, Liu Y, Mussenbrock T, Schulze J, "Experimental and computational investigations of electron dynamics in micro atmospheric pressure radio-frequency plasma jets operated in He/N2 mixtures", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 27, 125009 (2018). IF: 4.128

  • Hartmann P, Reyes J C, Korolov I, Matthews L S, Hyde T W, “Simple experiment on the sputtering rate of solids in gas discharges”, Physics of Plasmas 24, 060701 (2017). IF: 1.941

  • Ott T, Bonitz M, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, “Spontaneous generation of temperature anisotropy in a strongly coupled magnetized plasma”, Phys. Rev. E 95, 013209 (2017). IF: 2.284

  • Arkhipov Yu V, Askaruly A, Davletov A E, Dubovtsev D Yu, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Conde L, Tkachenko I M, “Direct Determination of Dynamic Properties of Coulomb and Yukawa Classical One-Component Plasmas”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 045001 (2017). IF: 8.839

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Magyar P, Kalman G J, Golden K I, “Higher order structure in a complex plasma”, Physics of Plasmas 24, 103701 (2017). IF: 1.941

  • Rosenberg M, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Waves in a quasi-two-dimensional superparamagnetic dusty plasma liquid in a trap”; Physical Review E. 94, 033203 (2016). IF: 2.366

  • Dzhumagulova K N, Masheyeva R U, Ott T, Hartmann P, Ramazanov T S, Bonitz M, Donkó Z; “Cage correlation and diffusion in strongly coupled three-dimensional Yukawa systems in magnetic fields”; Physical Review E. 93, 063209 (2016). IF: 2.366

  • Wilczek S, Trieschmann J, Eremin D, Brinkmann R P, Schulze J, Schüngel E, Derzsi A, Korolov I, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Mussenbrock T; “Kinetic interpretation of resonance phenomena in low pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency plasmas”; Physics of Plasmas 23, 063514 (2016). IF: 2.115

  • Magyar P, Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Golden K I, Donkó Z; “Factorization of 3-Point Static Structure Functions in 3D Yukawa Liquids”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 56, 816 (2016), IF: 1.440

  • Bastykova N Kh, Kovács A Zs, Korolov I, Kodanova S K, Ramazanov T S, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Controlled Levitation of Dust Particles in RF+DC Discharges”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 55, 671-676 (2015). IF: 1.255

  • Kovács A, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Periodically sheared 2D Yukawa systems”; Physics of Plasmas 22, 103705 (2015). IF: 2.207

  • Schüngel E, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Derzsi A, Korolov I, Schulze J; “Customized ion fux-energy distribution functions in capacitively coupled plasmas by voltage waveform tailoring”; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24, 045013 (2015). IF: 2.808

  • Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Golden K I; “Second plasmon and collective modes in binary Coulomb systems”; Europhysics Letters 107, 35001 (2014). IF: 2.095

  • Iwashita S, Schüngel E, Schulze J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Uchida G, Koga K, Shiratani M, Czarnetzki U; "Dust hour glass in a capacitive RF discharge”; IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 42, 2672 (2014). IF: 1.101

  • Hartmann P, Kovács A Zs, Douglass A M, Reyes J C, Matthews L S, Hyde T W; “Slow Plastic Creep of 2D Dusty Plasma Solids”; Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 025002 (2014); IF: 7.512

  • Hartmann P, Kovács A Zs, Reyes J C, Matthews L S, Hyde T W; “Dust as probe for horizontal field distribution in low pressure gas discharges”; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 23 (2014) 045008/1-7; IF: 3.591

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Rosenberg M, Kalman G J; “Waves in two-dimensional superparamagnetic dusty plasma liquids”; Phys. Rev. E, 89 (2014) 043102/1-9; IF: 2.288;

  • Derzsi A, Kovács A, Donkó Z, Hartmann P; “On the metastability of the hexatic phase during the melting of two-dimensional charged particle solids”; Physics of Plasmas 21 (2014), 023706/1-5; IF: 2.142

  • Rosenberg M, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Goree J; “Effect of strong coupling on the dust acoustic instability”; Phys. Rev. E, 89 (2014) 013103/1-5; IF: 2.288;

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Ott T, Kählert H, Bonitz M; “Magnetoplasmons in Rotating Dusty Plasmas”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 155002 (2013); IF: 7.728

  • Iwashita S, Schüngel E, Schulze J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Uchida G, Koga K, Shiratani M, Czarnetzki U; “Transport control of dust particles via the electrical asymmetry effect: experiment, simulation and modelling“, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 245202; IF: 2.521

  • Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Golden K I, Kyrkos S; "Collective modes in two-dimensional binary Yukawa systems”, Phys. Rev. E, 87 (2013) 043103/1-15; IF: 2.326

  • Hartmann P, Donkó I, Donkó Z; “Single exposure three-dimensional imaging of dusty plasma clusters”; Rev. Sci. Instrum., 84 (2013) 023501/1-5; IF: 1.584

  • Donkó Z, Schulze J, Czarnetzki U, Derzsi A, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Schüngel E; “Fundamental investigations of capacitive radio frequency plasmas: simulations and experiments”; Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 (2012) 124003; IF: 2.731

  • Iwashita S, Uchida G, Schulze J, Schüngel E, Hartmann P, Shiratani M, Donkó Z, Czarnetzki U; “Sheath-to-sheath transport of dust particles in a capacitively coupled discharge”; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21 (2012) 032001; IF: 2.521

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Shukla P K; "Consequences of an attractive force on collective modes and dust structures in a strongly coupled dusty plasma”; Phys. Lett. A 376 (2012) 3199; IF: 1.632

  • Goree J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P; “Cutoff wave number for shear waves and Maxwell relaxation time in Yukawa liquids”; Phys. Rev. E, 85 (2012), 066401/1-7; IF: 2.255;

  • Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Golden K I, Kyrkos S; “Collective Modes in Strongly Coupled Binary Liquids”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 52 (2012) 234; IF: 1.108

  • Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Golden K I, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “The Roton Minimum: Is it a General Feature of Strongly Correlated Liquids?”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 52 (2012) 219; IF: 1.108

  • Kovács A, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Dynamic Shear Viscosity in a 2D Yukawa System”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 52 (2012) 199; IF: 1.108

  • Golden K I, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Collective Modes in Classical Mass-Asymmetric Bilayers”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 52 (2012) 130; IF: 1.108

  • Budea Á, Derzsi A, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Shear Viscosity of Liquid-Phase Yukawa Plasmas from Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Graphics Processing Units”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 52 (2012) 194; IF: 1.108

  • Rosenberg M, Kalman G J, Hartmann P; “Instabilities in Yukawa Liquids”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 52 (2012) 70; IF: 1.108

  • Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Golden K I; "Strong Coupling Effects in Binary Yukawa Systems”; Phys. Rev. Lett., 107 (2011) 175003; IF: 7.370; MTMT#1799347

  • Hartmann P, Rosenberg M, Kalman G J, Donkó Z; “Ground-state structures of superparamagnetic two-dimensional dusty plasma crystals”; Phys. Rev. E, 84 (2011) 016409; IF: 2.255; MTMT#1799350

  • Hartmann P, Sándor M Cs, Kovács A, Donkó Z; “Static and dynamic shear viscosity of a single-layer complex plasma”; Phys. Rev. E, 84 (2011) 016404; IF: 2.255; MTMT#1799351

  • Ott T, Bonitz M, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Higher harmonics of the magnetoplasmon in strongly coupled Coulomb and Yukawa systems”; Physical Review E; 83 (2011), 046403/1-8; IF: 2.255; MTMT#1799353

  • Korolov I, Bánó G, Donkó Z, Derzsi A, Hartmann P; “Experimental study of the asymmetric charge transfer reaction between Ar+ ions and Fe atoms”; J. Chem. Phys., 134 (2011) 064308; IF: 3.093; MTMT#1799356

  • Hartmann P, Douglass A, Reyes J C, Matthews L S, Hyde T W, Kovács A, Donkó Z; “Crystallization Dynamics of a Single Layer Complex Plasma”; Phys. Rev. Lett., 105 (2010) 115004; IF: 7.621; MTMT#1431002

  • Golden K I, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Dynamics of two-dimensional dipole systems”; Phys. Rev. E; 82 (2010), 036402/1-12; IF: 2.352; MTMT#1424403

  • Donkó Z, Schulze J, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Czarnetzki U, Schüngel E; “The effect of secondary electrons on the separate control of ion energy and flux in dual-frequency capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges”; Appl. Phys. Lett., 97 (2010) 081501; IF: 3.820; MTMT#1424404

  • Bonitz M, Donkó Z, Ott T, Kahlert H, Hartmann P; “Nonlinear Magnetoplasmons in Strongly Coupled Yukawa Plasmas”; Phys. Rev. Lett., 105 (2010) 055002; IF: 7.621; MTMT#1424406

  • Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Golden K I, Filinov A, Donkó Z; “Correlational origin of the roton minimum”; Europhysics Letters 90 (2010) 55002; IF: 2.753; MTMT#1424407

  • Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P; “Viscoelastic response of Yukawa liquids”; Phys. Rev. E, 81 (2010), 056404/1-9; IF: 2.352; MTMT#1424409

  • Mezei P, Cserfalvi T, Hartmann P, Bencs L; “The effect of OH radicals on Cr–I spectral lines emitted by DC glow discharges”; Spectrochimica Acta Part B 65 (2010) 218; IF: 3.549; MTMT#1442177

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Golden K I, Rosenberg M; “Collective dynamics of complex plasma bilayers”; Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 (2009) 245002; IF: 7.328; MTMT#1435102

  • Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P, Liu B; “Time-correlation functions and transport coefficients of two-dimensional Yukawa liquids”; Physical Review E, 79 (2009), 026401/1-12; IF: 2.400; MTMT#

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kalman G J; “Two-dimensional dusty plasma crystals and liquids”; J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.; 162 (2009), 012016/1-13; MTMT#145591

  • Golden K I, Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P; “Collective excitations in a two-dimensional dipole system”; J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.; 42 (2009), 214017/1-8; IF: 1.577; MTMT#

  • Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Golden K I, Donkó Z; “Collective excitations in strongly coupled ultra-relativistic plasmas”; J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.; 42 (2009), 214018/1-6; IF: 1.577; MTMT#

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Tierney K P, Lee C J, Kalman G J; “Higher harmonic generation in strongly coupled plasmas”; J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.; 42 (2009), 214040/1-6; IF: 1.577; MTMT#

  • Ott T, Bonitz M, Hartmann P; Comment on "Self-Diffusion in 2D Dusty-Plasma Liquids: Numerical-Simulation Results”; Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 (2009) 099501; MTMT#1435104

  • Derzsi A, Hartmann P, Korolov I, Karácsony J, Bánó G, Donkó Z; “On the accuracy and limitations of fluid models of the cathode region of dc glow discharges”; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.; 42 (2009), 225204/1-12; IF: 2.083; MTMT# 

  • Golden K I, Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P; “Acoustic dispersion in a two-dimensional dipole system”; Physical Review B, 78 (2008), 045304/1-11; IF: 3.322; MTMT#1435109#145346  

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kalman G J; “Dynamical correlations and collective excitations of Yukawa liquids”; J Phys. Cond. Matter; 20 (2008), 413101/1-35; IF: 1.900; MTMT# 

  • Ott T, Bonitz M, Donkó Z, Hartmann P; “Superdiffusion in quasi-two- dimensional Yukawa liquids”; Physical Review E; 78 (2008), 026409/1-6; IF: 2.508; MTMT#

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P; “Shear viscosity of strongly coupled Yukawa liquids”; Physical Review E, 78 (2008), 026408/1-8; IF: 2.508; MTMT#

  • Feldmann J D, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Rosenberg M; “Ground State of Magnetic Dipoles on a Two-Dimensional Lattice: Structural Phases in Complex Plasmas”; Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 085001; IF: 7.180; MTMT#1808794

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Goree J; "Shear viscosity of strongly-coupled two-dimensional Yukawa liquids: experiment and modeling”; Modern Physics Letters B (MPLB) 21, (2007) 1357-1376 ; IF: 0.569; MTMT#145130

  • Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Golden K I; „Collective Excitations in Electron-Hole Bilayers”; Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 236801; IF: 7.072; MTMT#

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kutasi K; "Effects of fast neutral particles in low-pressure gas discharges”; J. Phys. Conf. Series 71 (2007) 021008; MTMT#145131

  • Bánó G, Hartmann P, Kutasi K, Horváth P, Plasil R, Hlavenka P, Glosik J, Donkó Z; "Combined Langmuir probe, electrical and hybrid modelling characterization of helium glow discharges”; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 16 (2007) 492–500; IF: 2.120; MTMT#145155

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Rosenberg M, Bakshi P; „Collective modes in 2D Yukawa solids and liquids”; IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 35 (2007) 337; IF: 1.144; MTMT#145097

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Bakshi P, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S; „Molecular dynamics studies of the solid-liquid phase transition in 2D Yukawa systems”; IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 35 (2007) 332; IF: 1.144; MTMT#145098

  • Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P, Kutasi K; „Shear viscosity and shear thinning in two-dimensional Yukawa liquids”; Phys. Rev. Lett., 96 (2006) 145003; IF: 7.072; MTMT#

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Lévai P; „Molecular dynamics simulation of strongly coupled QCD plasmas”; Nucl. Phys. A, 774 (2006) 881-884; IF: 2.155; MTMT#1046547

  • Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Donkó Z; „Two-dimensional Yukawa liquids: structure and collective excitations”; J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 4485-4491; IF: 1.577; MTMT#144852

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kutasi K; "On the reliability of low-pressure dc glow discharge modelling”; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15 (2006) 178–186; IF: 2.346; MTMT#144879

  • Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Kutasi K; "Equilibrium properties and phase diagram of two-dimensional Yukawa systems”; Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005) 026409; IF: 2.352; MTMT#

  • Kalman G J, Golden K I, Donkó Z, Hartmann P; "The Quasilocalized Charge Approximation”; J. Phys. Conf. Series 11 (2005) 254-267; MTMT#144558

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J; "Structure and phase diagram of strongly-coupled bipolar charged-particle bilayers”; Europhysics Letters, 72 (2005) 396-402; IF: 2.120; MTMT#144571

  • Kutasi K, Hartmann P, Bánó G, Donkó Z; "He2+ molecular ions in helium glow discharges: the effect of bulk electron temperature”; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 14 (2005) S1–S8; IF: 1.931; MTMT#144543

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z; „Basic Phenomena in Low-pressure Noble Gas Discharges: the Role of Heavy Particle Induced Processes”; Acta Phys. Hung. B 20 (2004) 193–217; IF: 0.096; MTMT#144297

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kalman G J; „Collective modes of quasi-two-dimensional Yukawa liquids”; Phys. Rev. E. 69 (2004) 065401(R); IF: 2.352; MTMT#

  • Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Rosenberg M; „Two dimensional Yukawa liquids: correlation and dynamics”; Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 065001; IF: 7.218; MTMT#

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P; „Thermal conductivity of strongly coupled Yukawa liquids”; Phys. Rev. E 69 (2004) 016405; IF: 2.352; MTMT#

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Rosenberg M; „Static and dynamic properties of 2-dimensional strongly coupled Yukawa liquids”; Contrib. Plasma Phys. 43 (2003) 282-284; IF: 0.863; MTMT#144052

  • Marić D, Hartmann P, Malović G, Donkó Z, Petrović Z Lj; „Measurements and modelling of axial emission profiles in abnormal glow discharges in argon: heavy-particle processes”; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36 (2003) 2639-2648; IF: 1.265; MTMT#143968

  • Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Golden K I, Kutasi K; „Dynamical structure functions, collective modes and energy gap in charged particle bilayers”; Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 226804; IF: 7.035; MTMT#

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kalman G J; „Molecular dynamics simulations of strongly coupled plasmas: localization and microscopic dynamics”; Physics of Plasmas 10 (2003) 1563-1568; IF: 2.146; MTMT#144049

  • Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Golden K I; „Simulation of strongly coupled charged particle systems: static and dynamical properties of classical bilayers”; J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 (2003) 5877-5885; IF: 1.357; MTMT#144051

  • Hartmann P, Matsuo H, Ohtsuka Y, Fukao M, Kando M, Donkó Z; „Heavy-particle hybrid simulation of a high-voltage glow discharge in helium”; Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 42 (2003) 3633-3640; IF: 1.171; MTMT#144024

  • Kutasi K, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; „Self-consistent modelling of helium discharges: investigation of the role of He2+ ions”; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34 (2001) 3368–3377; IF: 1.260; MTMT#143520

  • Bánó G, Szalai L, Kutasi K, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Rózsa K, Kiss Á, Adamowicz T M; „Operational characteristics of the Au-II 690-nm laser transition in a segmented hollow-cathode discharge”; Appl. Phys. B 70 (2000) 521; IF: 1.913; MTMT#143360

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Bánó G, Szalai L, Rózsa K; „Effect of different elementary processes on the breakdown in low–pressure helium gas”; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 9 (2000) 183–190; IF: 1.963; MTMT#143301

Conference contributions (41, not updated regularly):

  • Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Golden K I, Kyrkos S: “Collective modes in strongly coupled binary liquids”; pp. 45 in: Book of Abstracts of the Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems conference (ISBN 978-963-88019-5-1), Budapest, Hungary, July 24-29, 2011 (oral)

  • Ott T, Bonitz M, Hartmann P, Donkó Z: “Magnetized strongly coupled plasmas - first principle results”; pp. 42 in: Book of Abstracts of the Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems conference (ISBN 978-963-88019-5-1), Budapest, Hungary, July 24-29, 2011 (oral)

  • Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Golden K I, Hartmann P, Donkó Z: “The origin of the roton minimum”; pp. 89 in: Book of Abstracts of the Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems conference (ISBN 978-963-88019-5-1), Budapest, Hungary, July 24-29, 2011 (poster)

  • Golden K I, Kalman G J, Hartmann P: “Collective modes in mass-asymmetric bilayers”; pp. 121 in: Book of Abstracts of the Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems conference (ISBN 978-963-88019-5-1), Budapest, Hungary, July 24-29, 2011 (poster)

  • Hartmann P, Rosenberg M, Kalman G J, Donkó Z; “Ground state structures of superparamagnetic dusty plasma crystals”; pp. 124 in: Book of Abstracts of the Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems conference (ISBN 978-963-88019-5-1), Budapest, Hungary, July 24-29, 2011 (poster)

  • Budea Á, Derzsi A, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Molecular dynamics simulation of moderately coupled Yukawa liquids on graphics processor units”; pp. 135 in: Book of Abstracts of the Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems conference (ISBN 978-963-88019-5-1), Budapest, Hungary, July 24-29, 2011 (poster)

  • Kovács A, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Dynamics shear viscosity in a 2D Yukawa system”; pp. 138 in: Book of Abstracts of the Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems conference (ISBN 978-963-88019-5-1), Budapest, Hungary, July 24-29, 2011 (poster)

  • Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P: “Complex viscosity of 3D Yukawa liquids”; pp. 123 in: Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 16-20, 2011 (poster)

  • Kovács A, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Groma I, Györgyi G: “Crystallization dynamics of a 2D Yukawa systems”; pp. 259 in: Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 16-20, 2011 (poster)

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Golden K I, Rosenberg M: “Collective dynamics of complex plasma bilayers”; pp. P3.03 in Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG XX, ISBN 2-914771-63-0), Novi Sad, Serbia, July 13 - 17, 2010 (poster)

  • Korolov I, Derzsi A, Hartmann P, Karácsonyi J, Bánó G, Donkó Z: “Langmuir probe measurements of electron density and electron temperature in argon glow discharges - applications in discharge modeling”; pp. P2.19 in Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG XX, ISBN 2-914771-63-0), Novi Sad, Serbia, July 13 - 17, 2010 (poster)

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J; “On the melting of 2D Yukawa systems”; pp. P-4 in: Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Workshop on Diagnostics and Simulation of Dusty Plasmas, Kiel, Germany, Sep 2-4, 2009 (oral)

  • Hartmann P, Rosenberg M, Kalman G J, Donkó Z; “Ground state structures of superparamagnetic dusty plasma crystals”; pp. P-10 in: Book of Abstracts of the 12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Boulder, Colorado, USA, May 17-20, 2009 (poster)

  • Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Kyrkos S, Rosenberg M; “Binary bilayers in complex plasmas”; pp. 109-110 in: Book of Abstracts of the XIII International Conference on Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas, Chernogolovka, Russia, Sep 13-18, 2009 (poster)

  • Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Kyrkos S, Rosenberg M; “Studies of binary bilayers in complex plasmas”; pp. P-6 in: Book of Abstracts of the 12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Boulder, Colorado, USA, May 17-20, 2009

  • Kovács A, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Groma I, Györgyi G; “Crystallization dynamics of a 2D Yukawa system”; pp. P-8 in: Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Workshop on Diagnostics and Simulation of Dusty Plasmas, Kiel, Germany, Sep 2-4, 2009

  • Kyrkos S, Donko Z, Hartmann P, Kalman G J; “Collective excitations in 3D Yukawa plasmas”; pp. P-14 in: Book of Abstracts of the 12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Boulder, Colorado, USA, May 17-20, 2009

  • Mohácsi I, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; “Experimental investigation of the collective dynamics in a single layer dusty plasma crystal”; Book of Contributed Papers, p. 159-160 (2009). 17th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes & Visegrad Workshop on Research of Plasma Physics, 17.-22.1.2009, Hotel Máj, Liptovský Ján, Low Tatras, Slovakia

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Bakshi P, Rosenberg M; “Collective modes in 2D Yukawa Solids and Liquids”; 11th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (Williamsburg, USA, 2006 June 28-July 1), Book of Abstracts (poster presentation)

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Bakshi P, Kyrkos S; “Molecular Dynamics studies of the solid-liquid phase transition in 2D Yukawa systems”; 11th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (Williamsburg, USA, 2006 June 28-July 1), Book of Abstracts (oral presentation)

  • Hartmann P, Feldmann J, Kalman G J, Donkó Z; “Two-dimensional Magnetic Dipole Lattices: Ground State and Dynamics”; 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas (Darmstadt, Germany, 2006 September 4-8), Book of abstracts p. 44 (poster presentation)

  • Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Golden K I; “Collective Excitation in Electron-hole bilayers”; 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas (Darmstadt, Germany, 2006 September 4-8), Book of abstracts p. 17 (oral presentation)

  • Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P, Kutasi K; “Shear Viscosity and Shear Thinning in Two-dimensional Yukawa Liquids”; 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas (Darmstadt, Germany, 2006 September 4-8), Book of abstracts (oral presentation)

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Bakshi P, Kyrkos S; “Molecular Dynamics studies of the solid-liquid phase transition in 2D Yukawa systems”; Diagnostics and Simulation of Dusty Plasmas workshop (Kiel, Germany, 2006 September 13-15), Book of Abstracts (oral presentation)

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J; “Numerical experiments on complex plasmas”; 16th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes (Podbanske, Slovakia, 2007 January 20-25), Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-80-89186-13-6, p. 39 (oral presentation)

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J; “Numerical experiments on complex plasmas: 2D Yukawa systems”; XXVIII. ICPIG, July 15-20, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-80-87026-00-7, page 78 (invited talk)

  • Kutasi K, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; „Self-consistent modelling of glow discharges”; British-Romanian-Hungarian N+N+N Workshop for Young Researcher (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 17-19 January, 2005), PADEU 15 (2005) 147, ISBN 963 463 557

  • Hartmann P, Kutasi K, Donkó Z; „Comparison of one- and two-dimensional hybrid modeling of low-pressure gas discharges”; XXVII. ICPIG, July 18-22, 2005, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Proceedins, 03-262

  • Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Donkó Z; „Two-dimensional Yukawa liquids: structure and collective excitations”; International Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems, June 20-25, 2005; Moscow, Russia, Book of Abstracts, T-12, p.42, (invited talk)

  • Hartmann P; „Light emission of Argon discharges: importance of heavy particle processes”; meghívott előadás; 22nd SPIG, August 23-27, 2004; Bajina Bašta, Serbia and Montenegro, AIP Conference Proceedings 740 (2004): „The Physics of Ionized Gases” p.353, ISBN 0-7354-0224-8 (invited talk)

  • Marić D, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Petrović Z Lj; „Study of pd and j/p2 scaling in abnormal glow discharges in argon”; Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, August 25-29, 2003; Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Marić D, Petrović Z Lj; „Radial distribution of light emission in low-pressure discharges”; XXVI. ICPIG, (2003, Greifswald, Germany) Proceedings 3 119-120

  • Hartmann P, Matsuo H, Ohtsuka Y, Fukao M, Kando M, Donkó Z; „Self-consistent simulation of a high-voltage glow discharge in helium”; 16. ESCAMPIG (2002, Grenoble, France) Conference Proceedings I 245

  • Donkó Z, Kutasi K, Hartmann P; „Simulation of an argon glow discharge surrounded by a conducting wall”; XXV. ICPIG, (2001, Nagoya, Japan) Contributed Papers 1 231-232

  • Kutasi K, Donkó Z, Hartmann P; „Numerical modeling of low temperature plasmas”; 10th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students (2001, Prague) Contributed papers 366

  • Donkó Z, Kutasi K, Hartmann P; „Low-temperature plasma modeling”; 1st Hungarian Plasma Physics Workshop (2001)

  • Bánó G, Szalai L, Kutasi K, Horváth P, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Rózsa K; „High-voltage hollow-cathode metal ion lasers for the UV”; Week of Doctoral Studies ’00 (2000 Prague) Proceedings of contribution papers 290

  • Mentel J et al.; „High beam quality UV lasers for microelectronics”; 15. ESCAMPIG (2000, Lillafüred, Hungary) Europhysics Conference Abstracts 24 F 252

  • Kutasi K, Hartmann P, Donkó Z; „Self-consistent modeling of helium discharges in a wide pressure range”; 15. ESCAMPIG (2000, Lillafüred, Hungary) Europhysics Conference Abstracts 24 F 238

  • Hartmann P, Adamowicz T M, Stoffels E, Stoffels W W; „Spatial profiles of copper atom density in a Cu/Ne hollow cathode discharge”; XIII. CPS/NNV Symposium (2000, Lutern, Netherlands) Contributed Papers

  • Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Bánó G, Rózsa K; „Studies of electric breakdown in low-pressure helium gas”; XXIV. ICPIG (1999, Warsaw, Poland) Proceedings IV 217